Happy BIrthday to ZiBin
I celebrated all other friends' birthday in Singapore but ZiBin.
Wish happy birthday and another happy year.
Posted by jasmine @ 1:26 AM
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Today, I went to pick some blue berry with my friends near ASO mountain. Before we arrive there we thought it is abit cooler there because it located inside mountain. BUT, it was hot even inside mountain... I didnt bring my hat, so I covered my head with my shirt.
I was so tired today...
Happy 26th birthday to Hajime.
We took some photos for our graduation album.
I already watched Star Wars in Singapore with John, but I watched it in Japan again. It is just started showing it here. It takes longer time because Japanese people need subtitle for English movies.
I had dinner with some of my friends.
I've received a BOX from ZiBin.
七夕(tanabata) is star festival on July 7th.
Tanabata legend is a two-star story of lovers in the vast galaxy.
Once upon a time, the emperor of the galaxy and Vega (The Japanese name is Orihime), his daughter lived in a luxurious palace which is on the eastern coast of the MilkyWay. One day, she fell deeply in love with the courageous and handsome Altair (The Japanese name is Hikoboshi), who live on the west coast of the galaxy and married him.
However, because she neglected her weaving, The emperor of the galaxy was angry and banished the bridegroom. In a result, the couple was separated far across the Milky Way. But after that, the emperor of the galaxy had permitted the couple to meet at night once a year on July 7th because he cannot stand to see his daughter looked sad so much.
On that night, it is the story that the two stars meet, spanning the bridge of the Milky Way with magpies because of going across the bridge on a rain day.
QUOTE: http://www.geocities.jp/senribb/
July 2nd is my brother's birthday.