Tuesday, June 28, 2005

ね and よ

I received a comment about a particle so I explain a bit about two particles which are attached to the end of a sentence. My friend, SiJing once wrote about ね before in her blog, too. These two particles very important to explain our feeling. There are some more similar particles like よ or ね, such as ぜ, ぞ. I think ぜ is almost same as よ, but I cannot explain what is ぞ is... Anyway, ぜ and ぞ are not polite and used by GUY. I don't use them because I am girl, should use politer words. (^-^)

「よ」 and 「ね」 are attached to the end of a sentence. 「よ」 is used when the speaker provides the listener with information that s/he does not know about. 「ね」 is used for confirming whether the information or awareness of the speaker is the same as the listener's one. Or to show the speaker agrees with the listener, or is for asking for the assent of the listener.

【Example 1】A: このレストランの料理(りょうり)はおいしいですか。
Are the dishes in this restaurant good?
B: はい、おいしいですよ。
Yes, they are.
【Example 2】A: 新(あたら)しいコンピュータを使(つか)いましたか。
Did you use a new computer?
B: いいえ。
A: 便利(べんり)ですよ。
It's handy.
【Example 3】A: もうすぐ、バスが出(で)ますよ。早(はや)く乗(の)りましょう。
The bus is leaving soon. Let's get on quickly.
B: はい。
【Example 4】(レストランで)(At a restaurant)
A: サンドイッチとジュースをお願(ねが)いします。
A sandwich and a juice please?
B: サンドイッチとジュースですね。
A sandwich and a juice, right?
【Example 5】A: これは田中(たなか)さんのさいふですね。
This is Tanaka-san's wallet, right?
B: いいえ、違(ちが)いますよ。
No, it's not.
【Example 6】A: これは日本(にほん)の新聞(しんぶん)ですね。
This is a Japanese newspaper, isn't it?
B: いいえ、中国(ちゅうごく)の新聞(しんぶん)ですよ。
No, that's a Chinese newspaper.

RESOURCE: みんなの教材サイト


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