Japanese Movies
I found many of my favorit Japanese movies can watch in NUS library. I should search them earlier so I could watch them when I wanted to... They have original movie(Japanese version) of "Shall We Dance?" and some STUDIO GHIBLI films. The STUDIO GHIBLI films available at NUS library is following.
天空の城ラピュタ = Castle In The Sky /1986
となりのトトロ = My neighbor Totoro /1988
火垂るの墓 /1988
魔女の宅急便 = Kiki's Delivery Service /1989
紅の豚 /1992
平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ /1994
耳をすませば /1995
もののけ姫 = Princess Mononoke / 1997
Unfortunately, they dun have "風の谷のナウシカ", one of the most favorit movie of all studio ghibli films. They also dun have some of latest movies such as 千と千尋の神隠し(2001?) and ハウルの動く城(2004), but it is ok for me. Because I have 千と千尋 on my harddisk of my PC and I watched ハウル when I went back to Japan in last December.
Now... I want to watch the original of "Shall We Dance?" very much. Then I want to compare the differences between the original and remake one.
Hello, i just knew about your new blog here..... i also watch 千と千尋 before. It is quite nice!!! I never watch movie in Central lib before.... :(
Coz I didnt tell anyone about this blog... But UNfortunately, ZiBin found out this.
I like the movies of Studio Ghibli. They are very nice. If you have chance, try other one also.
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